For Fresh and Glowing Face
Hair Removal Cream
A Complete Asthma Cure
For Black and Strong Hair
A Complete Piles Cure
For Sexual Treatment
For Better Growth of Children
For All Types of Coughs
For Diarrhea and Loose Motion
For Gas and Other Stomach Diseases
For Typhoid, Pneumonia, and Other Types of Fever
December 22, 2017
Treatment of Constipation
Arthirithism, Rheumatsm, Lumbogo, General Body Pain, Headache, and Neuralgia
For the Treatment of Leucorrhoea
For the Treatment of Diabetes
For Weakness and Non Apatite
To Increase Height Arthritis, Rheumatism, Backache, Gout, Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Highly Effective Laxative Tablets for Constipation
Gastritis, Influence, Indigestion, Dyspepsia
Acute & Chronic Constipation
Bloody and Blind Heamorrholds, Heamorrhoidel Flssures and Flstuals
Infections, Inflammation, Immunity Improver
Ammenorrhoea, Dsymenorrhoea, Irregular Menses
Leucorrhoea and its after effects, Indigestion, Dsypepsia Flstuals
Acute and Chronic Cough, Congestion, Bronchitis
Sinusitis, Sneezing and Rhinitis
Low Blood Pressure, Hypotension
High Blood Pressure, Hypertension
Ulcer, Dyspepsia, Stomach Infection, Acidity, Flatulence
Anaemia, Loss of Appetite, Paleness of Body
All Kind of Worms
Nocturnal Enuresis, Cystitis
Infant Growth of Body and Bones
Diarrhea & Dysentery
Fever, Typhoid, Malaria
Muscular and Joint Rheumatism
Allergy and Asthma of all kinds
Diabetes Mellitus
Headache, Migraine
Hernia, Stomach Pain
Memory Weakness, Loss of Concentration, & Mental Debility
Nervous, Physical and Blood Deficiency After Pregnancy
Vaginal Infection, Pain, Inflammation and Swelling
Toothache, Gingivitis
Falling hair and Dandruff
Depression, Anxiety, Nervousness, Sleeplessness
Cardiac Insufficiency, Angina, Heart Palpitation
Kidney Stone, UTI, Kidney Pain and Inflammation
Skin Allergy, Utric Area
Paralysis, Para Esthenia
Infertility (Female)
Night Emission, Spermatoria, Sexual Debility, Delirium
Premature Ejaculation, Impotency
Masturbation and its after Effects
Prostate Gland Disorders
For Sexual Weakness Due to Sugar
For All Types of Vomiting
For Tonsils
Arq Un Nisa and Cheatica Pain
For Joint Pain and Weakness
For Eye Diseases
Goiter, Thyroidinum
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Obessity, Slim and Smart Body
Acne, Pimples, Freckles, White Patches, Facial Scars
Oleum Jac
Sabal Ser
To Increase Height
January 12, 2018
Nasal Drops
For Drizzling